You Never Know Where Adventures May Lead You
My name is Emily and I am a sophomore nursing student at Clemson and I could not be happier. The summer before my senior year, I was on my way to Atlanta to see the Braves play all weekend and when I crossed the South Carolina border from North Carolina, all I started to see was Clemson stickers. I had already toured South Carolina and absolutely hated it, so I thought to myself, "I should look into Clemson!" That whole weekend in Atlanta, I was researching the college and what the campus has to offer. On the way home, I stopped in Clemson for a tour and fell in love. My parents were upset that I had toured there and fell in love because they were not willing to pay out-of-state tuition. Well, you can't prevent someone from going somewhere where they are going to be the happiest, so I worked my butt off my senior year in high school, got enough scholarships and God blessed me with a way to come to Clemson, and here I am. I have a knack for persuading my parents (haha). In my home growing up, it seemed like there was always arguing going on and that has been a life lesson for me. I was always the mediator in my family, so I am really good at calming people down and making them realize what they are exactly fighting over. My favorite quote is, "Pick your battles!" I have worked for the most darling old lady for at home health care. I got my CNA in high school and from that, started taking care of this lady every night. I absolutely fell in love with her. I still go over to her house and give her pedicures just for the heck of it. With that being said, I LOVE nursing! Nothing excites me more than studying in a field that I am so compassionate about. I love the constant interaction with people and the opportunity God gives me to touch so many people's lives.
Coffee or Die
I am passionate about spending time with my family, friends and loved ones. I do love being at school, but I hate being apart from the people at home. When I am not working, I love to go to the mountains and go for a hike or fly fish. I know this is very white girl, but I couldn't give up coffee; iced coffee, black coffee, lattes, mochas, coffee ice cream, I could never give it up. I want to be remembered by my coffee drinking and saving lives. I enjoy volunteering in the nursing homes and going room to room to interact with the patients. If you sit down with an elderly person for even 10 minutes, your life will be changed and you will hear the most interesting stories (regardless if they are made up or the actual truth).
If We Are Being Honest...
People have to force me to read. Even when I was in high school, if I had to read a book that I didn't find interesting, my mom would make me sit in the kitchen and read out loud to make sure I read the book. English, literature, writing, etc. has always been my least favorite subject. Therefore, no experience with literature has been a good one. 1984 by George Orwelll really opened my eyes to what the government is in control of, how much they know about us and what type of things they can do with that information. I hope that I learn to respect literature more at the end of this course and have an appreciation for what we focused on. The main thing I hate in classes is when I leave on the last day and feel like I did not benefit from that whatsoever. So, with that being said, I hope that, even if the readings stink, at least I will benefit from the making of websites, working with teammates and understanding what makes 21st century literature stand out amongst the rest.