"O.K., that's not a matter of life and death, is it?" said Fay in a cross voice (16).
"Now what would you like done with your father (50)?"
"So you ain't got father, mother, brother, sister, husband, chick nor child (69)."
"I want to tell you, Laurel, what a beautiful funeral it was," said Dot Daggett, immediately after Dr. Bolt had gone down the line shaking hands with the family, and they'd all risen (92).
"You just try and be as good as your word (99)."
"Even if you have kept silent for the sake of the dead, you cannot rest in your silence, as the dead rest (130).
"You don't know anybody in Baltimore? they had asked Becky (144).
"Fay had once at least called Becky "my rival (152)."
"She had a certain gift oh her own. He taught her, through his example, how to use it. She learned how to work by working beside him. He taughter her to draw, to work toward and into her pattern, not to sketch peripheries (161).
"The last thing Laurel saw, before they whirled into speed, was the twinkling of their hands, the many small and unknown hands, wishing her goodbye (180)."